Up your impact to succeed sooner.
Leadership educator innovator boot camp.

Save Time, Energy, Money, & Disappointment.
Gain Learning, Creativity, & Results.

Are you in the general leadership center at your institution, a faculty member teaching courses,  or a leader in a specific department like orientation, residence life, career services, greek life, etc.? The video above with an athletic department example shows how this program can be customized for your own setting...like with student athletes and life skills programs. Contact us to talk about offering a custom program for your audience and type of program.

Your facilitator, Dr. Darin Eich has developed and facilitated programs at universities like these...

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  • Save time by building a more innovative and effective program for you and your students and running it effectively! Whether you are creating your own unique programs or delivering something that fits with the social change model, leadership challenge, or other theory, this online workshop can help you to up your impact. You will receive a leadership development innovator toolkit of:

    • Leadership program best practices eBook
    • Video recording of the program to use later
    • Quantiative & qualitative assessments to use
    • Innovation step-by-step eBook
    • Additional PDFs, links, and resources
  • Cost for this online leadership development bootcamp workshop, recording, and toolkit is only $197 for your entire department. Leadership educators are adding more value to their students through ongoing programs, retreats, leadership conferences, mentoring, service, living & learning communities, orientation, international experiences, and other new leadership development initiatives. With our innovative practices, we can help you elevate your programs to a higher level more effectively.

    Contact us for the date of the next live webinar.

About Darin

Darin Eich is the author of Innovation Step-by-Step and Root Down & Branch Out: Best Practices for Leadership Development Programs.  Darin earned his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis from the University of Wisconsin. Darin is the president and co-founder of InnovationLearning.org and BrainReactions, an innovation consulting company founded by UW students, where he led idea development and innovation projects for organizations like P&G, the United Nations, and the U.S. Council on Competitiveness.

Darin has also been a graduate student and developer of programs at the University of Maryland & William and Mary. Darin’s passion involves helping people to become themselves, find and live their strengths, and become more creative, innovative and successful leaders. Professionally, Darin does projects ranging from hundreds of college speeches to helping institutions develop leadership programs & retreats to facilitating professional brainstorm innovation sessions for the most innovative Fortune 500 companies. Darin is a leadership program consultant to Dartmouth College, the University of Wisconsin, and USA TODAY.

Get in Touch

Interested in discussing this or other program ideas? Have questions or want to get started! Email [email protected] today.