Develop Program Ideas in this Online Training Camp!
Up your Student Athlete Development to the Championship Level
Program Development Training for Athletic Departments
Best Practices and Ideas for Athlete Life Skills & Leadership Programs
Design, Facilitate, Innovate, & Assess your Programs to up your Impact
Best Practices and Ideas for Athlete Life Skills & Leadership Programs
Design, Facilitate, Innovate, & Assess your Programs to up your Impact
Root Down in what works: Improve your High-Impact Leadership & Life Skills Program
+ Understand what it means to go "downstream" and "root down" to improve your leadership development efforts by doing it.
+ Learn what doesn't work well for leadership education so you can replace with ideas and actions that can.
+ See examples of the innovative blended programs launching at Dartmouth, Wisconsin, and other institutions.
+ Be guided through, assess, and root down into the best practices for leadership development programs.
+ Gain a toolkit of assessment and program resources to use at your institution and validate your program with stakeholders.
+ Learn tips from the book and model used at hundreds of campuses - Root Down & Branch Out: Best Practices for Leadership Development Programs - and customize ideas for your athletes.
Do you want to design new programs that have a greater impact on student athlete learning and leadership development? Do you want to facilitate an existing program better and more an NCAA Life Skills Program? Do you want to cultivate leadership skills in your athletes that they can use in their sport and in life now? Do you want to systematically improve the way you educate, mentor, and develop in a more high impact way? Register for a live webinar on Best Practices for Leadership Development Programs led by Darin Eich, Ph.D. Darin is author of Root Down & Branch Out: Best Practices For Leadership Development Programs, which brings key findings to practice from research conducted to determine the most important characteristics of high-impact leadership development programs. What contributes most to student learning and leadership development, and how can you design your program, department, or educational experience better? Here is what we've got planned for the event, but do email me if you have ideas or things you would like to learn. Email [email protected] to register your institution.
Do this professional development program with your staff
Ask questions to get ideas & best practices you need
Cost for this online leadership education bootcamp is only $297 for your whole athletic department. Gather your colleagues together in a conference room to do the program live, assess as you go, and then continue the conversation and activities after the webinar training camp is done. In institutions now, many individuals are interested in leadership development. Athletic departments are ripe with professionals adding more value to their student athletes through life skills programs, team retreats, leadership conferences, mentoring, and other new leadership development initiatives.
Fill out the form or contact us for information on the next live webinar. Can't make the specific live time of the webinar? Suggest a second offering time or you will have access to a recorded program, you can just do that as a team if you like. Have questions or want to register your campus to get access information? Email Darin at [email protected].
What kind of general content will be in the webinar? See my article on "what doesn't work in student leadership education and what you can do about it."
In this 1 hour long webinar program training camp to get you started, you and colleagues from your institution's athletic department can focus on the fundamentals:
+ Assess your own program, course, workshop or leadership development offering with this resource.
+ Gain additional videos, digital materials, and a toolkit of actions you can launch this year to improve your program to the next level.
+ Systematically generate new ideas that relate most to research findings on high-impact student learning and development.
+ Hear examples of creative ways that best practices are in use at institutions and ideas to apply to student athletes.
+ Gain the opportunity to sit down with other leadership development minded colleagues in your athletic department for collaboration and focus.
Video Recording of Training Available
PDF program toolkit included
Whether you are creating your own unique programs for athlete leadership development or facilitating something modeled after an NCAA Life Skills program like in the video below, this online workshop can help you to up your impact in the key focus areas:
Academic Excellence
Athletic Excellence
Personal Development
Career Development
Community Service