Do you want to design programs that have a greater impact on student learning and leadership development? Do you want to cultivate leadership skills in your students? Do you want to innovate the way you educate in a more high impact way? Register for a live webinar on Best Practices for Leadership Development Programs led by Darin Eich, Ph.D. Darin is author of Root Down & Branch Out: Best Practices For Leadership Development Programs, which brings key findings to practice from research conducted to determine the most important characteristics of high-impact leadership development programs. What contributes most to student learning and leadership development, and how can you design your program, course, or educational experience better? Here is what we’ve got planned for the event, but do email me if you have ideas or things you would like to learn.
Live Webinar: Root Down & Branch Out to Innovate your Leadership Development
+ Understand what it means to “root down & branch out” to improve your leadership development efforts.
+ Zero in on the leadership skills most important in 2012 and hear a personal story.
+ See examples of the innovative blended programs we have been launching at Dartmouth, Wisconsin, and in secondary education with USA TODAY.
+ Be guided through, assess, and root down into the best practices for leadership development programs.
+ Branch out with new ideas and learn about creative new programs like Program Innovation & Create Your Path.
+ Learn more tips from the new book Root Down & Branch Out: Best Practices for Leadership Development Programs.
We are always working to design and facilitate leadership programs in new and innovative ways. Come along for the ride and begin to develop a high impact leadership development experience at this webinar.